Author cushinc

Southeastern Connecticut Clean Coastal Harbors and Bays Community Action Plan Final Report

Guidance for Community Decision Makers Communities depend upon clean, coastal waters for recreation, tourism, boating, fishing and plentiful seafood. By setting and meeting nitrogen limits in coastal rivers, harbors and bays, we can restore and sustain healthy conditions now and for future generations. By taking critical steps, community members and leaders can identify the sources […]

Stonington condos to serve as example of green pollution controls

By Marissa Kaika, Special to The New London Day Stonington — The Eastern Connecticut Conservation District will be installing a variety of stormwater management components at a condominium complex in Quanaduck Cove to help prevent contaminated water from flowing into Stonington Harbor and Long Island Sound. The project, in partnership with the Quanaduck Cove Court Condominium […]

Healthy Yard, Healthy Sound

It’s easy to see how raw sewage or chemical runoff flowing directly into Long Island Sound is bad for the water and for all of us. But it can be harder to see how the chemicals and practices you employ on your own lawn and garden may be doing damage, too. Even if you live […]

Helping Horseshoe Crabs

In response to ever-increasing pressures on our local horseshoe crab populations, we have established a long-term partnership with Charles River Laboratory to provide multiple opportunities to engage in horseshoe crab conservation. In 2018 we expanded our crab monitoring and tagging efforts to include the collection of horseshoe crab eggs to be reared in the aquaculture […]

Network Member Spotlight: Clean Up Sound and Harbors (CUSH)

Clean Up Sound and Harbors (CUSH)The mission of CUSH, Inc. is to clean up and protect Fishers Island Sound and its coves, inlets, bays, rivers, and harbors. Their mission is pursued through sustained water quality monitoring and by promoting environmental stewardship through public education. They offer volunteer opportunities to join their efforts in coastal cleanups, water quality testing, organic […]

Little things add up in L.I. Sound

“Save the River-Save the Hills” whole-heartedly endorses the ideas that Peter Harris offered in his letter to the editor, “A better way to achieve a healthy lawn,” (March 24). Everyone lives in a watershed and everything you do to your lawn, house or car may have an impact to the water quality of the stormwater […]

A better way to achieve a healthy lawn

For many homeowners, having a thick, dark green, weed-free lawn is the ultimate goal. Unfortunately, this goal can come with consequences to our rivers and lakes, estuaries, and Long Island Sound. The fertilizers and pesticides used to obtain these green lawns eventually make their way into these water bodies and can negatively impact both water […]

The role oysters play in the health of Long Island Sound

December 3, 2021 – More than $100 million in federal infrastructure funds will go towards protecting and preserving Long Island Sound. Hear from Soundkeeper Bill Lucey about spending plans, Save the Sound’s priorities, and why oysters are so unique. Plus, Norm Bloom of Copps Island Oysters explains why conservation is his business; and Tessa Getchis […]

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