Peter Linderoth, Jason Krumholz, Elena Colon
December 3, 2021 – More than $100 million in federal infrastructure funds will go towards protecting and preserving Long Island Sound. Hear from Soundkeeper Bill Lucey about spending plans, Save the Sound’s priorities, and why oysters are so unique. Plus, Norm Bloom of Copps Island Oysters explains why conservation is his business; and Tessa Getchis […]
The Rotary Club of Mystic has announced the nine area 501(c)3 organizations awarded grants from their 2021 Fall Grant Cycle. Each year the Rotary Club of Mystic conducts two grant cycles (spring and fall) for which area 501(c)3 organizations are eligible to apply. This fall cycle awarded a total of $8,800. All funds earned through the Rotary […]
Eastern Connecticut Conservation DistrictAnguilla Brook/Inner Wequetequock Cove Watershed-Based Plan
December 08. 2020 Ledyard — The design stage for a new migratory fishway on Whitford Brook will begin early next year, thanks to an award from the Long Island Sound Futures Fund.The $172,000 grant was awarded to Save the Sound for the project, along with additional funds for the Hutchinson River watershed in New York. […]
Save the Sound’s Peter Linderoth, Director of Water Quality, and Tracy Brown, Regional Director of Water Protection explain some of the intricacies of the 2020 Long Island Sound Report Card and take questions from the public.
The New London Day 10/12/2020 Save the Sound, a nonprofit that in various forms has made waves about the health of Long Island Sound waters for decades, recently issued its 2020 report card on the state of the Sound. This time, however, in addition to reporting on the main body of the Sound, the study includes results of water […]
By Kimberly DrelichThe New London Day 10/10/2020 The eastern basin of Long Island Sound ranks high for water quality, as it benefits from lower population density in the region and natural tidal flushing from the ocean, according to the 2020 Long Island Sound Report Card released this past week by Save the Sound. The eastern basin earned […]
For all virtual and in-person cleanup participants who want to record and submit cleanup data digitally, Sarah from Ocean Conservancy recorded this special tutorial video demonstrating how to use the Clean Swell app!