The New London Day 1/7/2024 Groton ― Improvements to the stormwater system, rain gardens, and a study of raising low-level roads are among potential solutions to help protect downtown Mystic from increased flooding in the face of climate change. Draft recommendations from a study that the Town of Groton and consultant GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. conducted […]
1/4/24 Megan Granato, Wayne Cobleigh
The New London Day 12/27/2023 By Kimberly DrelichDay Staff Writer [email protected] Groton ― After more than a year of studying the vulnerability of downtown Mystic to climate change and ways to make it more resilient, project leaders will present potential strategies to the public next week. The draft recommendations are intended to help protect the area from the […]
12/13/2023 Lauren Barrett
12/4/23 David Prescott
The New London Day 10/27/2023 Environmental advocacy group releases scorecard of legislators’ votes
WindCheck Magazine – Save The Sound Dispatch 10/2023. Water sample MR-0.24 starts its journey at a precise set of coordinates on New York’s Mamaroneck River. © Over the 12 weeks of its 2023 bacteria monitoring season, Save the Sound collected roughly 780 water samples from 60+ sites along the western Long Island Sound. Every […]
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The New London Day 8/30/2023 By Carrie Czerwinski, Special to The Day Stonington ― Residents of the Wequetequock Cove area want to know how fecal coliform bacteria and other harmful contaminants are getting into their wells and the cove. In addition, they are questioning why the cove has such poor water quality and what can be […]