Long Island Sound Study 8/27/2024 This manual was developed for the Long Island Sound Futures Fund project Improving Water Quality through Green Infrastructure in Quanaduck Cove and Long Island Sound (CT), aimed at implementing Stormwater Management Green Infrastructure Best Management Practices. The goal of the project was to mitigate the impact of stormwater runoff on water […]
Save the Sound 8/19/2024 How’s the water? It’s the question our water quality team is asked more than any other. And as with most simple-sounding questions, there’s no easy answer. There are about 18 trillion gallons of water in Long Island Sound, an estuary spanning 1,220 square miles bounded by 600 miles of Connecticut and […]
The New London Day 4/22/2024 By Daniel DrainvilleDay Staff Writer [email protected] Stonington ― Maggie Favretti, first chair director of the Alliance for the Mystic River Watershed, said Sunday she sees “at most” six or seven river herring when counting them in a narrow area of the Mystic River. March through May is when the fish ― […]
The New London Day 3/28/2024 By Steve Fagin Kevin Job’s favorite memories of growing up in Norwich involved fishing for stripers with his dad in spring, when enormous schools of alewives would swim upriver. “We’d see 10,000 in one night. The whole river would turn silver,” he recalled the other day. Over the years, though, Job […]
STORIES IN CONNECTICUT Saving Seagrass See what we’re doing to protect seagrass in Long Island Sound. July 01, 2018 | Last updated January 25, 2024 SHARE A diver off Fishers Island—a roughly 4-square-mile island off the eastern end of New York’s Long Island—can encounter a mesmerizing sight: hundreds of tiny, silver-sided fish shimmering in the sunlight as […]
Town of Groton 2/2/2024 Downtown Mystic is one of the quintessential historical and cultural resources of New England. Although its location along the banks of the Mystic River has helped the area prosper, it also makes Mystic vulnerable to climate change impacts. In response to Mystic’s climate change vulnerability, the Town of Groton hired GZA […]
Blumenthal, local officials urge action during tour of Groton sites vulnerable to flooding Groton Town Manager John Burt (left) and Megan Granato, the Town of Groton’s sustainability and resilience manager (right), talk with U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., (center) Monday, Jan. 29, 2024, about flooding issues during a stop on Gravel Street in downtown Mystic. […]
Sound Communities 1/11/24 Holly Drinkuth, Jamie Vaudrey, Hannah Vagts, Adrienne Esposito https://tnc.app.box.com/s/shcltefcwi0ehzazbrriic7ft2qacep9