BY Joe WojtasThe New London Day • 6/2/2011 Getting rid of sewage has just got a lot easier for boaters in and around Stonington Harbor. Last Sunday, a demonstration and ribbon cutting ceremony was held for the new sewage pump out facility behind the borough treatment plant at the Town Dock. The $55,000 project, which also […]
The New London Day • 5/23/2011 Clean Up Sound and Harbors gave its annual Sea Star Awards on Sunday to Kathryn Burchenal of Stonington borough and Mike Logan of Charlestown, R.I. during the organization’s annual meeting. The awards honor individuals who have made or are making significant contributions to improving local water quality. CUSH, a […]
The New London Day • 5/17/2011 Stonington — A demonstration of the new $55,000 pumpout emptying station at Stonington Borough sewage treatment plant, 2 High St., will take place at 5 p.m. Sunday. The construction project is a collaborative effort by the town, the Stonington Harbor Commission and CUSH Inc., with grant funding from state […]
By Judy BensonThe New London Day • 4/12/2011 A three-year-old grass-roots group focused on the local marine environment is expanding its reach beyond the waters off Stonington to all of Fishers Island Sound, and at the same time has announced plans to increase the scope of its signature project, water quality testing. CUSH, which stood for […]
The New London Day • 10/25/2010 Stonington will receive a $43,200 federal grant for the construction of a new pump-out offloading connection and dock at the town’s municipal sewage treatment facility in Stonington Harbor. The grant, announced Friday by Gov. M. Jodi Rell, is part of $1 million in federal money for 43 pump-out projects […]
By JAMES SISK and JAMES PETROSKYThe New London Day • 10/25/2010 Stonington taxpayers will be asked Tuesday at a special referendum to approve upgrades to the town’s three water pollution treatment plants. The Stonington Water Pollution Control Authority urges a ‘yes’ vote on this very important project. The time for these upgrades truly is now. […]
The New London Day • 9/17/2010 Volunteers, including boat owners, are needed for a cleanup of flood debris on Sandy Point in Stonington, in Westerly and in the Pawcatuck River from 9 a.m. to noon Sept. 25. The cleanup is being led by Dave Prescott, South County coastkeeper for the Westerly office of Save the […]
Connecticut DEEP • 8/2010 Clean Up Stonington Harbor, Inc (CUSH)In 2008, a citizen organization Clean Up Stonington Harbors (CUSH) enhanced its active membership campaign, lecture series and start up citizen science water monitoring program. Information that includes a water monitoring program is posted at . Theorganization’s geographic focus includes all coastal harbors adjacent to […]
The New London Day • 3/29/2010 “How Boaters Can Help Clean Up Stonington Harbors,” a free brochure, is being offered by the Stonington-based nonprofit group CUSH to marinas, yacht clubs, and other boating organizations for distribution to their customers and members. Information in the brochure covers where boaters can call for a free holding tank […]
The New London Day • 3/21/2010 Clean Up Stonington Harbors will present results from tests of water from 10 sites on the Mystic and Pawcatuck rivers at its annual meeting at 7:30 p.m. Thursday at the LaGrua Center in Stonington. An influx of volunteers in 2009 allowed for the testing to be expanded. Tests on […]