Story and photos by Judy BensonSea Grant Connecticut 11/30/2018 Popular for boating, fishing and swimming, Little Narragansett Bay has been plagued in recent years by a nuisance green algae, Cladophora, that spreads across the sea floor in blankets up to three feet thick in some areas, virtually smothering out all other life except for tiny marine insects […]
By Joe WojtasThe New London Day 8/22/2018 Stonington — The Board of Selectmen on Wednesday appointed most of the members of a task force that will look into banning plastic bags used by retail stores, and straws and takeout containers used by restaurants. First Selectman Rob Simmons told the members that he will convene their first meeting […]
The New London Day 6/3/2018 Stonington — Clean Up Sounds and Harbors will hold its annual meeting on Saturday, June 9, from 10 to 11:30 a.m. at the Latitude 41 restaurant in Mystic. At the meeting the organization is scheduled to present its Sea Star award to Thaler Hefel and Trash Talk CT volunteers. Holly […]
Sea Grant Connecticut 4/6/2018 Long Island Sound’s marine life and water quality will be the focus of five two-year research projects Connecticut Sea Grant will support in 2018. Proposals by four research teams from the University of Connecticut and one from Yale University School were chosen for the awards, announced on April 6. The projects […]
By Joe Wojtas The New London Day 4/4/2018 Stonington — A group of marine scientists from the University of Connecticut at Avery Point are preparing to begin a $225,000 study to determine if the discharge of nitrogen from the Westerly and Pawcatuck sewer plants is fueling the rapid growth of microalgae in Little Narragansett Bay. The thick green […]
By Catherine HewittThe Westerly Sun 10/30/2017 MYSTIC — Clean Up Sound & Harbor, a nonprofit community group working to clean up and protect Fishers Island Sound and its coves, inlets, bays, rivers and harbors, is marking its 10th anniversary with a brunch at Latitude 41 Restaurant on Saturday, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. During the […]
By Brooke ConstanceThe Westerly Sun 10/30/2017 STONINGTON — In 1993, when Gracelyn Guyol received a diagnosis of bipolar II disorder, she started taking an antidepressant and immediately developed rapid-growth breast cysts and tumors. At first, Guyol, a Stonington resident, didn’t see a connection between the medication and the benign tumors, but after having two surgeries […]
By Joe WojtasThe New London Day 8/26/2017 Mystic — Volunteers from local schools and businesses led by Mystic Aquarium will once again spend eight hours cleaning debris from a 10-mile stretch of Mystic River shorefront and surrounding areas on Monday. The Mystic Wide Cleanup and its after party will conclude the aquarium’s Summer Night for 2017, which […]
By Judy BensonThe New London Day 6/30/2017 Stonington — With a sterile glass jar in her gloved hand, Sally Cogan leaned over the side of her small open motor boat Friday morning to scoop some water from the mouth of Wequetequock Cove. “We’ve been doing this for 10 years,” she said, as she capped the jar while […]
The New London Day 5/30/2017 Save the Sound recently announced that it has launched a new water testing program that will dramatically increase available data on the health of Long Island Sound. The bi-state nonprofit organization already issues an annual “report card” on the health of the estuary. Now, it will undertake the Unified Water Study: […]