Long Island Sound Report Card: Using science to tell stories and inspire change

Save the Sound 10/10/2024

Long Island Sound Report Card

Using science to tell stories and inspire change

Click here to get your copy of the 2024 LIS Report Card!

Download past LIS Report Cards: 2022 – 2020 – 2018 – 2016

The Long Island Sound Report Card tracks and publicizes the ecological health of Long Island Sound. Our biennial report assembles water monitoring data and, using an assessment methodology designed for the Report Card, grades water quality in five open water regions of Long Island Sound and 57 bay segments along its margins. We provide the results to elected officials, environmental agencies, and the general public as part of our ongoing work to catalyze improvements in ecosystem health and promote restoration projects and infrastructure investments. All grades in the 2024 Long Island Sound Report Card result from monitoring data collected during the 2023 monitoring season.

The previous LIS Report Card was released on October, 2022. In addition to the biennial printed report, the interactive SoundHealthExplorer website provides public access to all data in the Report Card, with tools to view trends over time and take a deeper dive into each region and each water quality indicator.

Keeping Up the Momentum

The biggest overall problem impacting the health of Long Island Sound is high levels of nitrogen and other nutrients, which contribute to dead zones, algae blooms, and marsh damage. Progress has been made in reducing nitrogen, especially from wastewater treatment plants—but further reductions are needed! Learn more about our nitrogen effort.
