All estuarine waters were re-assessed for this reporting cycle using the most recent available information. Dissolved oxygen data collected during the summers of 2016-2017 were used for this reporting cycle assessments. Beach closure information obtained from CT DPH for the 2015-2016 beach seasons was used for the assessment cycle. The Growing Area Classification data layer supplied by CT DA/BA, and annual, triennial and 12 year reports were evaluated for this assessment. Volunteer monitoring data collected during 2016-2017 and submitted to CT DEEP from estuary groups CUSH (Clean Up Sound and Harbors), Save the Bay Westerly, Earthplace, Save the Sound, Harbor Watch/River Watch, and the Millstone Environmental
Laboratory, and local university researchers including UCONN (University of Connecticut), Yale University, and Southern Connecticut State University, were also reviewed for the 2018 assessment cyle.