Wrack Lines Spring/Summer 2015
Clean Up Sound and Harbors (CUSH) is a grassroots environmental organization that operates out of Stonington, Connecticut, with a mission to improve the quality of the local waters. CUSH was founded in 2007 by Stonington author Gracelyn Guyol, with the express purpose of monitoring water quality using accepted scientific techniques and raising public awareness about local watershed conservation. CUSH began by monitoring
water quality in Stonington Harbor and Wequetequock Cove under the guidance of URI Watershed Watch, a volunteer organization with over 25 years’ experience assisting local monitoring groups. As the years passed, the
scope of the monitoring program expanded to include sites between the Pawcatuck and Mystic Rivers, with special emphasis on Wequetequock and Pequotsepos Coves. This effort has led to the recent release of a six year report that represents the single most comprehensive anthology of publicly available water-quality data in Stonington history – and this is just the baseline study!