By Paul C. Watts Harbormaster, Mystic River Mystic
The New London Day • 1/21/2012
A major cleanup of the Mystic River was performed in October 2011. To the best of my knowledge this is the first time that this has happened. With the coordination of many groups, tons of debris and pollution were removed from both banks of the river and brought to the Stonington landfill.
Kudos to the many people and marinas who donated so much time, effort and equipment to this well planned and executed endeavor. Special appreciation should go to CUSH (Clean Up Sound and Harbors), United Water, Clean The Bay, the 27 volunteers who showed up in boots and boats to scour the banks and pick up debris, and the Union Baptist Church volunteers.
This project would never have gotten off the ground without the donation of legal river access and the services of Shaffers, Gwenmor, Mystic Shipyard, Mystic Shipyard East, Brewers and Mason’s Island Marina. In addition the coordination with the Stonington first selectman’s office and the DPW of Stonington are gratefully acknowledged. The Mystic River is now a far cleaner and more pleasant river for all of us to enjoy.